J. Rex Tolliver
Title: Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support
Office: Osborne 110
Email: jrex@sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-4172
Pam Bowers
Title: Associate Vice President for Planning, Assessment and Innovation
Office: Osborne 110
Email: pjbowers@mailbox.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-3925
Anna Edwards
Title: Chief of Staff for Student Affairs and Academic Support and Associate Vice President
for Student Life
Office: Osborne 110
Email: corpenia@email.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-4172
Chakira Hogan
Title: Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support
Office: Osborne 110
Email: hoganca@mailbox.sc.edu
Phone: 803-777-4172