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School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

  • student trying out a device in water

Education and Research

ISME faculty are from universities, government offices, private companies, and NGOs from across the globe.  Host organizations and speakers from a variety of private and public organizations contribute to the ISME through providing publications for our readers.  Members of the ISME should contact to post their work.  


  • Keating, C.B., Katina, P.F., & Pyne., J.C. (2024). Sustainability Mindshift: Incorporating the Systems Perspective. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual INCOSE International Symposium. Dublin, Ireland: July 2 - 6, 2024.
  • Yarbanga, Nassirou (2024): Wégoubri, an Innovative Agroforestry Solution for Rain-fed Agriculture in the Sahel, TROPENBOS INTERNATIONAL, Resources, Issue number 62, 
  • Borton, James (2024): The Geopolitics of Cambodia’s Funan Techo Canal, Geopolitical Monitor,  The Diplomat
  • Touati, Iman,; Boulaamane, Yassir,; Reda Britel, Mohammed,; Maurady, Amal, (2024): Dendrobium Nobile L. Alkaloids Modulate Calcium Dysregulation and Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: a Bioinformatic Analysis, Pharmacological Research- Modern Chinese Medicine, ScienceDirect/Elsevier B.V, ScienceDirect
  • Borton, James (2024) Vietnam Needs NGOs and Youth to Meet Climat Change Challenges, Geopolitical Monitor, 
  • Girard, Henry, Information paper (2024): Integrating environmental conservation into the sahelian agriculture in Burkina Faso,  . TERRE VERTE: 
  • Salhi, Mouna,; Youness, Chater,: Maurady, Amal, (2024): The Impact of Safety Culture Dimensions on Workplace Accidents: An application in the Moroccan Automotive Industry, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Volume 14, Number 1, (2024), 107-116.    
  • Borton, James (2023): Vietnam's Reef People Harvest the Waves: Hollwood Mirrors a Way of Life, Asia Global, Asia Perspectives, Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong,
  • Polinpapilinho F. Katina,: Adrian V. Gheorghe, (2023): Blockchain-Enabled Resilience: An Integrated Approach for Disaster Supply Chain and Logistics Management, CRC Press, 180, pgs.
  • Housni, F,; et al., (2022): Environmental sustainability maturity system: An integrated system scale to assist maritime port managers in addressing Environmental sustainability goals   ELSEVIER:  Science Direct
  • Housni, F,; Maurady, A,; Barnes, P,; Boumane, A,; Britel. R. (2021): Indicators for monitoring and assessment of environmental management systems in ports, The International Conference on Innovation, Modern Applied Science & Environmental Studies, Vol 234.
  • Cadez, S,; Czerny, A,; Letmathe, P. (2019): Stakeholder pressures and corporate climate change mitigation strategies, Business Strategy and the Environment 28(1), 1-14
  • Leblanc, C., Editor (2019): The Perils of Climate Risk, The People and the Science, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pages 267, ISBN 978-1-5275-3100-0,
  • Letmathe, P.; Wagner, S. (2018): “Messy” Marginal Costs: Internal Pricing of Environmental Aspects on the Firm Level, International Journal of Production Economics 201 (July 2018), 41-53  
  • El-Bassiouny, D,; Letmathe, P. (2018): The adoption of CSR practices in Egypt: internal efficiency or external legitimation?, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9 (5), 642-665,
  • Letmathe, P., & Rabinovitch, I. (2018): The Responsible Care initiative as an enabler of implementing corporate social responsibility concepts in the chemical industry. In Measuring and Controlling Sustainability. Routledge, 34-49.
  • Leblanc, C., Editor, (2018): Dymistifying Climate Change, Volume I & II, Environmental Health, and Social Implications, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Vol I, pages 196, ISBN 978-1-5275-0013-6; Vol II, pages 306, ISBN  978-1-5275-0014-3, --
  • Baudin, Frederic (2018): Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard,  Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard 
  • Cadez, S,; Guilding, C. (2017): Examining distinct carbon cost structures and climate change abatement strategies in CO2 polluting firms, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Vol.30 No.5, 1041-1064
  • Egbue O,; Long S,; Samarayanake V.A. (2017): Mass Deployment of Sustainable Transportation: Evaluation of Factors that Influence Electric Vehicle Adoption, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,19 (7), 1927-1939
  • Cadez, S,; Czerny, A. (2016): Climate Change Mitigation Strategies in Carbon-Intensive Firms, Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 4132-41

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