Listing of University of South Carolina courses available for credit
At least one-third of the course work must be in earth and environmental resources and at least one-third in management, finance, and economics, but no more than 50 percent in either field. Students are required to complete six hours of integrative seminars. Courses exist in business administration for graduate students with non-business backgrounds. Students are required to demonstrate sufficient background in one or more fields, gained by academic study or experience, to qualify for graduate courses in earth or environmental resources.The program requires a total of 36 credit hours which will include six hours of thesis credit for those students who elect a thesis or six hours of approved electives in lieu of a thesis. All Graduate School requirements, such as the number of 700 level courses and grade distributions, must also be met.
Courses approved for the six hours of required integrative seminars:
ENVR 700: Current Topics in Environmental Studies (3)
ENVR 800: Seminar in Environmental Studies (3)
ENVR 804: Environmental Advocacy Seminar (3)
ENVR 835: Seminar in Environmental Ethics (3)
GEOL 560: Earth Resource Management (3)
GEOL 743: Decision-Making in Environmental Resource Management (3)
Students will most likely also enroll in:
ENVR 790: Directed Independent Studies (3)
ENVR 799: Thesis Research (1-6)
Potential courses available to satisfy the 1/3 of the program in Business, Environmental Management, and Policy, as well as for electives
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Moore School of Business: - Economics
ECON 500 Urban Economics (3)
ECON 523 Introduction to Mathematical Economics (3)
ECON 526 Managerial Economics (3)
ECON 530 The Economics of Human Resources (3)
ECON 548 Environmental Economics (3)
ECON 700 Survey of Economic Analysis (2 or 3)
ECON 706 Regional Economic Development
ECON 728 Applied Microeconomics (3)
ECON 731 Urban Economics (3)
ECON 732 Economic Problems of the City (3)
School of Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences
ENHS 775 Resource Management and Environmental Impact Assessment (3)
School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment: Environment & Sustainability
ENVR 531 Sustainability Management and Leadership Strategies (3-4)
ENVR 700 Current Topics in Environmental Studies (3)
ENVR 800 Seminar in Environmental Studies (3)
ENVR 804 Environmental Advocacy Seminar [=LAWS 804] (3)
ENVR 835 Seminar in Environmental Ethics [=PHIL 835] (3)
Moore School of Business: - Finance
FINA 666 Real Estate and Urban Development (3)
FINA 746 Risk Management (3)
FINA 760 Financial Policies (3)
GEOG 511 Planning and Locational Analysis (3)
GEOG 512 Migration and Globalization (3)
GEOG 516 Coastal Zone Management (3)
GEOG 530 Environmental Hazards (3)
GEOG 566 Social Aspects of Environmental Planning and Management (3)
GEOG 568 Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (3)
GEOG 570 Geography of Public Land and Water Policy (3)
GEOG 711 Seminar in Regional Geography (3)
GEOG 713 Advanced Economic Geography (3)
GEOG 721 Seminar in Systematic Geography (3)
GEOG 730 Seminar in Environmental Geography (3)
HIST 700 - Topics in History (Spring 2014, Section 001 - Envisioning Eden: Environmental History and the Ecological Imagination) (3)
Moore School of Business: - International Business
IBUS 701 International Financial Management (3)
IBUS 702 International Marketing (3)
IBUS 711 Global Corporate Valuation (3)
IBUS 732 Comparative Management (3)
IBUS 738 International Business and Sustainable Development (3)
School of Journalism and Mass Communications
JOUR 531 Public Relations Campaigns (3)
JOUR 562 The Journalism of Science and Technology (3)
JOUR 710 Organizational Communication (3)
School of Law
LAWS 565 Coastal Conservation Law Seminar (3)
LAWS 666 International Environmental Law (3)
LAWS 684 Environmental Law of Natural Resources (3)
LAWS 731 Environmental Law & Policy
LAWS 738 Environmental Law of South Carolina (3)
LAWS 804 Environmental Advocacy Seminar [=ENVR 804] (3)
LAWS 816 Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (1)
LAWS 826 Energy Law and the Environment (3)
Moore School of Business: - Management
MGMT 718 Management of Human Resources (3)
MGMT 720 Staffing (3)
MGMT 770 Organization Behavior/Competing Through People(3)
MGMT 774 The Firm and its Environment (3)
MGMT 778 Small Business Management (3)
Moore School of Business: - Management Science
MGSC 525 Statistical Quality Control (3)
MGSC 596 Database Management for Business (3)
MGSC 891 Data Resource Management (3)
MGSC 893 Process Analysis, Design and Implementation (3)
MGSC 896 Intelligent Information Systems Design (3)
MGSC 897 Global Supply Chain Operations Management Graduate Capstone Consulting Project (3)
Moore School of Business: - Marketing
MKTG 701 Marketing Management (3)
PHIL 512 Philosophy of Science (3)
PHIL 514 Recent Ethical Theory (3)
PHIL 535 Ecofeminism [=WOST 535] (3)
PHIL 714 Seminar in the Philosophy of Science (3)
PHIL 760 Special Topics in Philosophy (3)
PHIL 800 Topics in Environmental Philosophy [=ENVR 800]
PHIL 835 Seminar in Environmental Ethics [=ENVR 835] (3)
Political Science
POLI 554 Law and Society (3)
POLI 730 Science, Technology and International Affairs (3)
POLI 732 International Law (3)
POLI 754 Public Accountability and Ethics (3)
POLI 761 American Government for Professionals (3)
POLI 762 Politics of the Budgetary Process (3)
POLI 768 Local Government Administration (3)
POLI 770 Perspectives on Public Administration (3)
POLI 772 Contemporary Administrative Organization (3)
POLI 773 Human Resource Administration in Government (3)
POLI 774 Public Policy (3)
POLI 775 Financial Administration (3)
PSYC 777 Environmental Psychology (3)
SOCY 514 Urbanization (3)
SOCY 520 Social Behaviorism (3)
SOCY 526 Social Attitudes (3)
STAT 509 Statistics for Engineers (3)
STAT 511 Probability (3)
STAT 515 Statistical Methods I (3)
STAT 525 Statistical Quality Control [=MGSC 525] (3)
STAT 700 Applied Statistics I (3)
STAT 701 Applied Statistics II (3)
Potential courses available to satisfy the 1/3 of the program in Earth Resources and Environmental Science or Engineering, as well as for electives
Biological Sciences
BIOL 526 The Fall Flora (4)
BIOL 527 The Spring Flora (4)
BIOL 531 Parasitology [=ENHS 661 and EPID 661] (4)
BIOL 536 Ichthyology [=MSCI 536] (4)
BIOL 537 Aquaculture [=MSCI 537] (3)
BIOL 570 Principles of Ecology (3)
BIOL 570L Principles of Ecology Laboratory (1)
BIOL 571 Conservation Biology [=ENVR 571] (3)
BIOL 640 Microbial Ecology (3)
BIOL 641 Biophysical Ecology (3)
BIOL 703 Selected Topics in Ecology (1-3)
BIOL 762 Wetlands Ecology (3)
BIOL 768 Ecological Modeling and Environmental Planning [=ENHS 767 and MSCI 767] (4)
Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHEM 623 Introductory Environmental Chemistry (3)
CHEM 624 Aquatic Chemistry (3)
College of Engineering and Computing
CSCE 500 Fundamentals of Computer Science (3)
CSCE 520 Database System Design (3)
ECHE 700 Chemical Process Analysis (3)
ECHE 710 Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
ECHE 720 Advanced Fluid Flow Analysis (3)
ECHE 722 Advanced Mass Transfer (3)
ECHE 730 Chemical Reactor Design (3)
ECIV 533 Environmental Geotechnics
ECIV 551 Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3)
ECIV 555 Principles of Municipal Solid Waste Engineering (3)
ECIV 556 Air Pollution Control Engineering (3)
ECIV 558 Environmental Engineering Process Modeling (3)
ECIV 560 Open Channel Hydraulics (3)
ECIV 562 Engineering Hydrology (3)
ECIV 563 Subsurface Hydrology (3)
ECIV 570 Land Development for Engineers (3)
ECIV 733 Physico-chemical Properties of Soils (3)
ECIV 750 Principles of Environmental Engineering Process (3)
ECIV 751 Water and Wastewater Treatment Theory I (3)
ECIV 752 Water and Wastewater Treatment Theory II (3)
ECIV 753 Unit Operations Laboratory for Water and Wastewater Treatment (3)
ECIV 755 Industrial Wastewater Treatment (3)
ECIV 760 Computational Hydraulics (3)
ECIV 761 Numerical Methods in Subsurface Hydrology (3)
ECIV 762 Advanced Hydrology (3)
ECIV 763 Unsaturated Flow Theory (3)
ECIV 764 Contaminant Transport (3)
ECIV 765 Erosion and Sediment Control (3)
ECIV 767 Sediment Transport and River Mechanics (3)
EMCH 529 Sustainable Design and Development (3)
EMCH 561 Current Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-3)
School of Public Health: Environmental Health Sciences
ENHS 555 Conservation and Health in Marine Systems (3)
ENHS 660 Concepts of Environmental Health Science (3)
ENHS 665 Biofilms in Environmental Health and Disease (3)
ENHS 670 Environmental Pollutants and Human Health (3)
ENHS 755 Marine Conservation and Environmental Health (3)
ENHS 760 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3)
ENHS 761 Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Systems (3)
ENHS 762 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (3)
ENHS 763 Medical Aspects of Occupational Health (3)
ENHS 765 Applied Research in the Environmental Health Sciences (3)
ENHS 766 Applied Aquatic Sciences (3)
ENHS 766L Applied Aquatic Sciences Laboratory (1)
ENHS 767 Ecological Modeling and Environmental Planning [=BIOL 768 and MSCI 767] (4)
ENHS 769 Exposure and Risk Assessment (3)
ENHS 770 Microbial Processes and Pollution (3)
ENHS 773 Radiation Health Physics (3)
ENHS 774 Risk Assessment and Interactions of Environmental Toxicants (3)
ENHS 776 Environmental Regulation and Planning (3)
ENHS 777 Radiation Biology (3)
ENHS 778 Air Pollution Monitoring and Modeling (3)
ENHS 779 Applied Environmental Physiology (4)
ENHS 780 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Modeling (1-2)
ENHS 787 Analytical Concepts for Environmental Health Sciences (3)
ENHS 793 Special Topics in Environmental Health Sciences (1-6)
ENHS 795 Issues in Coastal Environmental Health [=MSCI 795] (3)
ENHS 860 Environmental Radiation Surveillance (4)
ENHS 861 Aerosol Science (3)
School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment: - Environment & Sustainability
ENVR 571 Conservation Biology [=BIOL 571] (3)
ENVR 572 Freshwater Ecology [=BIOL 572] (3)
School of Public Health: - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
EPID 700 Introduction to Epidemiology (3)
EPID 730 Public Health Surveillance Systems (3)
EPID 757 Epidemiologic Applications to Public Health (3)
GEOG 545 Meteorology (4)
GEOG 546 Applied Climatology (4)
GEOG 547 Fluvial Geomorphology (3)
GEOG 549 Water and Watersheds (3)
GEOG 551 Principles of Remote Sensing (3)
GEOG 554 Spatial Programming (3)
GEOG 563 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3)
GEOG 564 GIS-based Modeling (3)
GEOG 567 Long-term Environmental Change (3)
GEOG 710 Seminar in Geography Education
GEOG 731 Seminar in Quantitative Analysis in Geography (3)
GEOG 746 Seminar in Climatology (3)
GEOG 747 Seminar in Physical Geography (3)
GEOG 748 Geomorphology from Space (3)
GEOG 763 Seminar in Geographic Information Systems (3)
School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment: - Geological Sciences
GEOL 500 Field Geology (6)
GEOL 501 Principles of Geomorphology [=MSCI 501] (3)
GEOL 503 Regional Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of North America (3)
GEOL 508 Palynology (3)
GEOL 510 Coal Petrology (3)
GEOL 511 Advanced Paleontology (3)
GEOL 515 Marine Micropaleontology [=MSCI 517] (3)
GEOL 516 Sedimentology (4)
GEOL 518 Surface to Subsurface Stratigraphy (3)
GEOL 520 Isotope Geology and Geochronology (3)
GEOL 521 Introduction to Geochemistry [=MSCI 521] (3)
GEOL 526 Igneous Petrology (4)
GEOL 527 Metamorphic Petrology (4)
GEOL 531 Plate Tectonics (3)
GEOL 536 Geophysics (4)
GEOL 537 Field Methods in Geophysics (3)
GEOL 545 Geological Oceanography [=MSCI 545] (3)
GEOL 546 Marine Geophysics (3)
GEOL 547 Solid Earth Geophysics (3)
GEOL 548 Environmental Geophysics (3)
GEOL 550 Sedimentary Simulations and Sequence Stratigraphy [=MSCI 550] (3)
GEOL 551 Analytical Methods of the Earth Sciences I (1-3)
GEOL 552 Analytical Methods of the Earth Sciences II (1-3)
GEOL 553 Marine Sediments [=MSCI 553] (3)
GEOL 554 Applied Seismology (3)
GEOL 557 Coastal Processes [=MSCI 557] (3)
GEOL 560 Earth Resource Management (3)
GEOL 561 Environmental Field Geology (6)
GEOL 568 Introduction to Micrometeorology [=MSCI 568] (3)
GEOL 570 Environmental Hydrogeology (3)
GEOL 571 Soil Hydrology (4)
GEOL 575 Introduction to Groundwater Modeling (3)
GEOL 581 Estuarine Oceanography (3)
GEOL 582 Marine Hydrodynamics (3)
GEOL 583 Geology and Geochemistry of Salt Marshes [MSCI 583] (3)
GEOL 700 Geology of South Carolina (3)
GEOL 703 Field Studies in Pleistocene and Holocene Geology for Teachers (3)
GEOL 711 Paleoclimatology (3)
GEOL 715 Stable Isotope Geochemistry (3)
GEOL 716 Eustasy and Global Variations in Sequence Stratigraphy [MSCI 716] (3)
GEOL 717 Organic Geochemistry (3)
GEOL 720 Crystal Chemistry and Mineral Structure (3)
GEOL 722 Aqueous Geochemistry (3)
GEOL 726 Advanced Igneous Petrology (4)
GEOL 731 Advanced Structural Geology (3)
GEOL 733 Rock Mechanics (3)
GEOL 735 Regional Tectonics (3)
GEOL 743 Decision-Making in Environmental Resource Management (3)
GEOL 745 Petroleum Geology (3)
GEOL 747 Advanced Coal Petrology (3)
GEOL 750 Basin Analysis Seminar (3)
GEOL 751 Carbonate Petrology (3)
GEOL 752 Sandstone Petrology (3)
GEOL 754 Oceanographic Techniques [=BIOL 754] (3)
GEOL 755 Environmental Measurements and Analysis
GEOL 758 Analysis of Geological Data (3)
GEOL 764 Seismic Reflection Interpretation (3)
GEOL 765 Exploration Seismology (3)
GEOL 766 Advanced Seismology (3)
GEOL 770 Ground Water Geology (3)
GEOL 771 Topics in Hydrology (3)
GEOL 772 Geologic Theories (3)
GEOL 773 Water Quality and Pollution (3)
GEOL 774 Solute Transport in Geologic Media (3)
GEOL 775 Numerical Methods in Subsurface Hydrology [=ECIV 761] (3)
GEOL 781 Physical Oceanography [=MSCI 781] (3)
GEOL 782 Chemical Oceanography [=MSCI 782] (3)
GEOL 783 Oceanographic Time Series Analysis [=MSCI 783] (3)
GEOL 784 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics [=MSCI 784] (3)
GEOL 785 Atmosphere Dynamics [=MSCI 785] (3)
GEOL 800 Seminar (General Geology ) (1-3)
GEOL 841 Seminar in Petrology (2)
School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment: - Marine Science
MSCI 536 Ichthyology [=BIOL 536] (4)
MSCI 555 Conservation and Health in Marine Systems [=ENHS 555] (3)
MSCI 575 Marine Ecology [=BIOL 575] (3)
MSCI 575L Marine Ecology Laboratory (=BIOL 575L] (1)
MSCI 578 Physiological and Pollution Ecology of Marine Organisms (3)
MSCI 755 Marine Conservation and Environmental Health [=ENHS 755] (3)
MSCI 782 Chemical Oceanography [=GOEL 782] (3)
MSCI 795 Issues in Coastal Environmental Health [=ENHS 795] (3)