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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon, Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Department of Theatre and Dance

Romeo and Juliet

April 8-15, 2022
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Carolyn Howarth

Longstreet Theatre 

Set in a time and place suffering the ravages of plague and social division, Shakespeare’s ageless tale of the “star cross’d lovers” Romeo and Juliet still has the raw power to connect in visceral ways. Fiery passions lead to fateful outcomes as the two impetuous teenagers succumb to their irrepressible attraction, despite the long and bloody feud waged by their warring families. As riveting today as when it first appeared in print 425 years ago, Romeo and Juliet is a story of love, intrigue and danger that will leave you breathless until its shockingly tragic end.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
