Columbia lawyer named to Board of Visitors
December 17, 2015, Jeff Stensland
Columbia attorney O. Wayne Corley has been named the newest member of the University of South Carolina’s Board of Visitors.
December 17, 2015, Jeff Stensland
Columbia attorney O. Wayne Corley has been named the newest member of the University of South Carolina’s Board of Visitors.
December 10, 2015, Megan Sexton
As students walk across the stage Monday for the final commencement of 2015, the university completes a record year for the number of students earning Graduation with Leadership Distinction on their diplomas.
December 08, 2015, John Brunelli
Will Muschamp was introduced as the University of South Carolina's 34th head football coach in a news conference held at Williams-Brice Stadium on Monday. Regarded as an outstanding defensive mind, the 44-year-old Muschamp is a 21-year coaching veteran, including 13 years in the Southeastern Conference.
November 19, 2015, Harris Pastides
An open letter to the Carolina Family marking the 25th anniversary of the Carolinian Creed, a document created to foster a new age of civility and a generosity of spirit at the University of South Carolina.
November 13, 2015, Harris Pastides
Prepared remarks for the Yale School of Public Health Centennial Reunion
September 16, 2015, Craig Brandhorst
University President Harris Pastides introduced "Carolina 2025" during his State of the University address. Dean of undergraduate studies Helen Doerpinghaus explains how this 10-year plan will affect the student experience.
September 10, 2015, Page Ivey
New classrooms and labs, additional faculty and more responsive advising are all part of the “Carolina 2025” roadmap for the next 10 years, university President Harris Pastides says. Pastides introduced the ambitious plan during his 2015 State of the University address.